Greetings Friend,
Two quick notes to get your October underway:
Operation Pumpkin is coming to downtown this weekend! We're looking forward to lovely weather and a beautiful weekend full of all things Pumpkin! The studio is open and hosting classes on Friday and Saturday. Streets will be closed downtown but both our block of 3rd Street and Dayton Street immediately adjacent to the studio are open. That being said, please allow extra time to navigate the street closures (including the closure of 3rd Street immediately off High Street) and locate parking.
We have posted a detailed map of the road closures on our Facebook page @terralunapilates
After your Pilates class, do stay in town and enjoy the festivities! From 8:00pm- 10:00pm on Saturday night you will find Lynelle volunteering with Hamilton Pride at the beer truck. Stop by and stay hi!
SOCKTOBER is our other big news! During the month of October we are collecting new/like-new men's and women's socks. TerraLuna will match each pair donated so your one pair becomes two, your five pairs becomes ten! We are partnering with a local organization, The Secret Conjure Saints, who distribute care package to community members experiencing homelessness, addiction, or other difficult times.
All donations are staying in Hamilton so please join us in sharing a little warmth with our neighbors this Fall.
May you find peace in each day and joy in your body.
