Greetings Friend,
We have lots to share with you including important policy updates and events so please read on!
You have by now hopefully heard that April is Self-Care & Community Care Month here at TerraLuna! The goings-on are:
StretchLates, a Special Self-Care Event at 5:30pm on Wednesday April 12th and at 10:00am on Wednesday April 26th. We have already written two earlier blog posts with more about what you can expect from these identical events but wanted to give Greg Hancock, co-owner of The Alternate Path Coexist store on Hamilton's west side, the chance to introduce himself to you:
"My store, Coexist, is the original chapter of Secret Conjure Saints... The ones we bless never know our names, see our faces, love is it's own reward. We are six chapters now across Butler County. Each chapter focuses on a charity they are passionate about. Our chapter focuses on helping Hamilton OH’s local homeless. Feeding them, encouraging them to work the resources we provide to get clean of drugs, get free counseling and find employment. We’ve had some great successes on that note, feel free to join our private Facebook group to learn more: Secret Conjure Saints Hamilton OH 45013 | Facebook" ~ Greg Hancock
The Secret Conjure Saints are the organization we partnered with last fall for Socktober to distribute socks to the homeless. They are also our partner for our...
Self-Care Item Donation Drive
We're taking donations in studio through the month of April for travel-sized soap, shampoo/conditioner, hand sanitizer, shaving cream/gel, toothpaste, and antibiotic ointments. We're also asking for standard-sized razors, toothbrush, and chapstick.
Vote for TerraLuna's Signature Scent
The next time you're in the studio take a moment to exercise your nose! No, it's not a new Pilates activity, instead, we're asking for your vote on what will become our new Signature Scent. We've created four unique hand-lotion scents at the Petals & Wicks on Main Street in Hamilton and want you to vote for your favorite!
Policy Updates
Please click here to visit our Q&A page and refresh yourself on:
Waitlist Policies (updated)
Cancellation Policy (updated) *EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY*
In hopes that we can more effectively move Guests off the Waitlist and into classes we have streamlined the Cancellation Policy. Luna (unlimited) Membership Guests, please note that these changes will most impact you.
Coming Soon: Semi-Private Lessons
In addition to Private Lessons (which are currently available) we will shortly be offering Semi-Private Lessons for 2 Guests at $80.00 per Lesson. Three-lesson packages are currently available for Private Lessons and will also be available soon for Semi-Private Lessons. Most exciting of all: Nancy is now available during limited hours to accept bookings for Private and Semi-Private Lessons!
May you find peace in each day and joy in your body.
