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Guest Spotlight: Meet Carol

Carol Harp has been a Guest at TerraLuna since July, 2022 and we'd like to get to know her a bit better.

What brought you to Pilates and how long you've been practicing?

I think I saw TerraLuna‘s early advertising and came to the Studio almost as soon as it opened. Over a year and a half and I have loved every minutes of it!!!

Do you have a goal you'd like to share that Pilates helped you/is helping you obtain?

 Pilates has definitely improved my balance, flexibility, and core strength…all still a work in progress.

What class(es) have you/do you take? Do you have a favorite class?

I take Reformer classes almost daily and StretchLates whenever I can….every Reformer class is different and I love them all and there is absolutely nothing like a good Thursday night StretchLates!

What is an activity which was difficult for you in the beginning but is now easier?

Planks were difficult in the beginning and have become much “easier”. Planksgiving  really helped me move out of my comfort zone! 

Tell us about props! Favorite and least favorite.

I love the ring and have never been very fond of the squishy half ball…..see balance issues above 😂

If you had a "Signature Activity" what would it be?

I love Iron Cross and Climb a Tree! Both make me feel strong!  

How do you define "wellness"?

Wellness is a mind body spirit wholeness…..everything works together.

Would you share a little-known fact about yourself?

It’s hard to think of a little known fact that my Pilates friends don’t know because I tend to “share”  a bit in class….

Finally, what is one food/drink you cannot live without?

I would not want to live with out my morning hot tea….and a perfect strawberry.

Thank you Carol, for sharing a bit about yourself and your Pilates journey!

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