We'd like to "Celebrate You!" by giving Studio Guests a place to share accomplishments, goals met/progress on goals, wins, celebrations, brags, and moments of joy. Please take a minute let us know what you think is the best and most convenient way we can cheer you on.
Would you prefer:
A) A Private Group that can be accessed through TerraLuna's website?
B) A Public Group on the website?
C) A Private Group on Facebook?
D) A Public Group on Facebook?
E) A bulletin board in the studio?
F) Something else?
Please leave us a comment on this blog post with your vote and stay tuned for celebrations!
May you find peace in each day and joy in your body.

I like either a-private group on Terra Luna’s website or c-a private FB group!
I think a private FB group would be great! Love this idea!