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Expansion Tips & Reminders

Greeting Friend,

  • There is a public washroom off the main lobby that you are most welcomed to use.

  • Please add your photo to your profile in the app so that Norman Wilson lets only authorized Guests into the building.

  • Everyone is doing a super job arriving early, keep up the great work! Please arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to class time.

  • Wearing sticky socks is highly recommended. You are absolutely welcome to go barefoot but the carpet is not up to standards. As always, we have loaner socks available.

  • Nancy's WEDNESDAY 8:30am Athletes: this is my sleep-in day so Nancy will meet you downstairs to get you in the doors and up to class. Please arrive by 8:20, no later than 8:25am at which time Nancy will be showing everyone up to the Studio. Late-comers will end up locked out and no one wants that!

  • Clients of Rebekah Trimbach, PT and Erin Bright Reiki Practitioner/Astrologer: will also need to be let in to the building. Erin and Rebekah will communicate their preferred process to their clients.

As a geeky aside, this is my 101st blog post! Looking back over all of the activity and progress of the past year and (nearly) one-half is simply astounding. As always, thank you for your support, patience, and good wishes during this transition, Norman Wilson and I appreciate you!

May you find peace in each day and joy in your body.



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